Our clients tell their story
How did we improve your daily life ?
Since I started working with you and thanks to Mr. Tissot (I don't want anyone else) with whom I've dealth with all this time, we succeeded in stabilizing my situation and today, I can finaly breathe again.
Your solutions helped turn around my everyday life by proposing a reimbursement plan adapted to my budget.
You improved my life as I now only have one monthly installment and I don't need to negotiate with my creditors. I have peace of mind now.
It allowed me to pay my creditors without being tagged at the prosecution's office even though I have a tight budget.
No more paperwork, no more calculating what to pay to whom etc...
Your help allowed her to stop worrying, she feels better, both mentally and physically.
I now know how to manage my monthly finances, my account can no longer be in the red and I'm reducing my debt.
I know my debt is followed up on and I feel better, I would even say I feel good
What did you most appreciate in our work ?
Always having the same person handling my case and the quality of the follow up. With time, you also create a relationship which is nice.
Your understanding, your professionalism, always being there to listen, your empathy and your swift reactions to always do what's best.
Your welcoming spirit, the feeling of being taken seriously and whenever something happens, we can contact you and you do what's needed.
The warm contact, clear explanations on your proposals based on my situation.
Your capacity to listen, transparent contracts and no bad surprises.
Your availability, your kindness and humanity.
I greatly appreciated your swiftness of execution. I came, we spoke for 10 minutes, you took charge of everything and I was able to sleep better.
Easy contact, professionalism and the quick results of your solutions.
Your kindness, being non judgmental, always respectful and professional.
How would you describe our services?
Ideal to get back on track. A big thank you for your help Mr. Tissot. You were there for me since the beginning. Thanks to you I'm back on track! One more little effort with the bank and after it will be a huge sense of RELIEF!
Finding solutions to debt and regain a sense of dignity in life to move forward.
I want to take the opportunity to thank everyone who worked on my case. After years of hardship, I have been able to find a healthy financial balance for the past couple of years. I fought against feeling ashamed and I've been lucky to count on the support of some people of which you are part.
Quick, always a solution and a proposal. And more importantly, always there to listen to people.
Not much to say other than your service is great. Thanks.
Easy, quick and clear. After years of hardship, we are finally relieved.
A feeling of freedom in regards to my creditors. An efficient and reactive team.
Your solutions are clear, precise and bring peace of mind to the person who finds himself in financial trouble.We can contact you everyday and your kindness and solutions will be present each time. Answes are always clear and precise.